“Begin to feel your body, the weight, the force of gravity on the body. Just notice how this body feels without judgement or criticism or any opinion at all.” Notice the sensations that you are [...]
“Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.” If we focus on the best, most successful, loving outcome, our life can be so much easier, despite the obstacles that life brings us. Cool, [...]
“It’s the simplest practice I’ve ever done to change our mindset quickly, easily.” If we don’t put our attention on the things we are grateful, thankful for, we are missing an opportunity. When [...]
“How often do you savor what you enjoy most?” If you practice this all day long you will immediately see the benefits. Living in the present moment and thinking of what you’re passionate about [...]
“Listen with an open heart, and a relaxed, grounded body to be able to follow through.” Our inner voice is there. The question is, are we taking the time to really listen to it. What we often [...]
This podcast began with a powerful quote by Rumi: “Love is the bridge between you and everything.” How deep is that? You and everything else in this life and beyond are connected by bonds of [...]
During the workshop of Abraham Live!, one quote stuck out the most: “Fear, doubt, and worry come from disagreeing with our inner being.” That quote says more than meets the eye. In order to [...]