An Attitude of Gratitude in the Workplace Can be Seen Most in Your Company’s Bottom Line


“We owe, we owe…it’s off to work we go!” Many people have this philosophy when it comes to their working lives. But “having to work” rather than doing what you love each day can be frustrating and exhausting.

It stands to reason that people who spend eight hours or more each day feeling unappreciated as they endure “the daily grind” will be less productive. The result of this reality impacts the financial bottom line of every company in the world. Management feels it.  Co-workers feel it. Customers feel it.

The first step to fixing the challenges created by workplace apathy is gratitude. When you create an environment where everyone thrives together, your bottom line will soar.

Why is a Culture of Corporate Gratitude the Key to Company Success?

The challenges associated with low morale in the workplace are many. However, the good news is that there is a way to remedy this situation. The answer is to create an environment where people are proud to work because they feel respected and important. The culture you seek is one of gratitude.


Learn More about Matt O’Grady Coaching & Corporate Gratitude:


Implementing a culture of gratitude can be done at every level in an organization (from the C-Suite to rank and file team members). And, the proven benefits are many:


  • Drive employee productivity and engagement
  • Increase employee retention
  • Increase effective communication
  • Increase successful strategy implementation
  • Increase employee wellness and their ability to engage effectively and consistently in the workplace
  • Increase successful decision-making
  • Increase employees’ receptivity to working longer hours
  • Increase employees’ commitment to company goals
  • Increase employees’ ability to form cooperative relationships with co-workers and supervisors


Why Is Corporate Gratitude the Key to Personal Success?

We have seen that gratitude in the workplace increases productivity, improves employee well-being, builds mental strength and increases job satisfaction.  However, the benefits go much deeper, for gratitude helps individuals on personal levels, and these benefits allow them to better contribute to company morale and ultimate growth.


Indeed, the personal benefits of gratitude are numerous as well. It’s well-documented that gratitude:

  • Increases physical and emotional health
  • Increases mental strength
  • Leads to improved relationships
  • Reduces impatience
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Fosters better sleep
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Increases generosity
  • Increases the motivation to exercise on a regular basis

When you provide employees with a culture of gratitude and an environment that nurtures their spirits, fuels their imaginations and inspires their creativity, the results are:

  • Improved job satisfaction
  • Increased employee productivity
  • Better customer service and happier customers

Make no mistake about it, if your employees are miserable, it will trickle down to your customers. Employee happiness means a more positive workplace environment and better customer service for your customers. This adds up to increased business.

Ready to Invite Gratitude, More Success and More Revenue Into Your Business?

Fill out our convenient online contact form below to find out how you can take your company to a new level with Corporate Gratitude.