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6 months ago, I started thinking about Paramahansa Yogananda everyday. That wouldn’t be all that interesting unless I take into consideration how it all happened. I go into this in more detail on podcast bearing his name on the link below. Here is the short story:

I was introduced to Yogananda and his work over 20 years ago, strangely enough, by my surfing buddies when I lived in San Diego, CA. There was this surf spot aptly called “Swami’s”. I surfed and hung out on the beach there a few times, and the whole time I could not take my eyes off the Self Realization Fellowship building that is a big white Eastern style architecture building. (See photo)

Long story, short I found out they had meditation gardens, a temple, taught classes there etc. and my relationship with Yogananda was born. I started reading his books, following his teaching and continually being very inspired and ‘awakened’ by his teaching….
For more listen to the podcast! 🙂 Yogananda with Matt, Phil and Sara I was So overjoyed to do this with Phil and Sara from the previous version of the podcast, the Matt and Phil Show! Good times. What wonderful human beings they are…
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