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Most of us are focused on what is WRONG in our lives rather than what is right for us. Why do you think that is?

We know that whatever we focus on grows.

We know that whatever we think about we bring about.

We know that focus is essentially ‘asking’, so when we focus on what we don’t want through worrying, (such a great blog post by Jeannette Maw here on this subject) anxiety, complaining etc. or we are focused on how to fix something, and so on….


What are we really doing?


If we are honest, I think we will come to conclusion that we are making things WORSE.


I was so happy to see this piece about WHAT IS RIGHT when I started researching my fellow winners for the LOA Leaders Award. All I had to do was read the title to know how powerful this is and how important it is to remember.


If we go around thinking that things are going to change to what we want by focusing on what is wrong, WE are the ones that are ‘WRONG’ in the equation, not the other way around.

Our lives are created by the paradigm of who we are on the inside. (Tweet This!)

What we see as our lives and businesses is a sum of thoughts and feelings about ourselves, our lives, life in general, ‘other people’ and so on.


As soon as we start focusing on WHAT IS RIGHT, things will start to be more right.

We will be using the WHAT IS RIGHT energy to fuel our lives instead of what is wrong!

Sounds simple, right? Well, it is. All we need is practice. Go get some practice! 🙂 You can start by being sure to read the 2 blog posts I refer to above. Here are the links again:


Worry: the Accidental Love Curse

What’s Going Right In Your Life?


Thinking about what is RIGHT, what is Right, what is Right,



Photo credit: Ian Muttoo / Foter / CC BY-SA

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