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LOABC_perceptionWe all have a story, and we all have one specifically about our business, about our money, relationships, and so on.


What are yours?


Have you reviewed them lately?


Well, if you haven’t you are missing out on a great opportunity. Not only is it great to become more aware of what you are really vibrating by the stories you tell BUT!…..




Right now. Today. This minute, this moment. However, First!


You must know what they are….


It’s not too hard. Simply start thinking about any subject, lets take your Business, how is it doing?

How’s it going?

What’s it been like running your own business?

How do you feel when you think about your business?

What were your first thoughts when you read the first question?


Well, that’s your answer. Are you happy with that story? Is it serving you? If not, that’s A-OK.


Let’s start to tell a new story….whadya say? You with me?!

Lets do it!


First Step: What do you want for your business?


Second Step: Take your answer from the First Step and input it into this statement:


“I am so happy and excited that my business is now (Input answer to First Step here________________).”


Now that this is part of your new story, I suggest you do it for several aspects of your business. Here, I’ll do it with you:


I am so happy and excited that I have signed 10 new clients this month!

I am so happy and excited that I received 15 new referrals for Harmonia Media!

I am so happy and excited that I have hired an amazing new salesperson!


So, do you get where I am going with this idea?


Perception is a Mirror.


Start perceiving your business differently and you will get different results!


It’s really that simple.


If you like this subject, Phil and I did a whole show about it that you can listen to here….


Enjoy telling the new story about your business…!





Photo credit: mirrors /

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