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earth-hour-2_lI was just having lunch with a really awesome friend of mine who I used to do some creative work with some years ago. We were having lunch and he was talking about how remembering the ‘Breath’ was


‘All I have to remember.’


It hit me in that moment how powerful that wisdom really is.


We are often trying to remember 100’s of things every 15 minutes. It’s such a gift to let it ALL go and simply breathe. Simply being conscious of who you really are with the breath as our guide. That simple practice can do more for us than just about anything.


It can really do wonders for our businesses as well.


As small business owners we are often managing more than our share of responsibilities and at times we just keeping adding to that load.


As we grow, change and shift with the spirit of our business it’s also important to take some time to Be with what is, relax and feel the flow of life. Taking a few moments or even better a few minutes per day can make a huge difference in our vibration, who and what we are offering ourselves as to the world…


Who do you really want to be as you vibrate through life?


Whoever that is, it is part of who we can be.


Letting go, relaxing, breathing and taking life in through the breath can really be a very helpful practice for any busy person or any busi-ness person.


It sets the stage for who we are as Deliberate Creators and can be a very substantial foundation on which to take inspired action.


Let Go and Breathe,



Photo credit: AlicePopkorn / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

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