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OK, this is a metaphorical kiss, not the lip kind. Its an acronym many of us know well:





We often make our lives very difficult, stress ourselves out, make up stories in our minds about everything bad that can happen. This is the opposite of Focus, Faith and Follow Through. It’s the opposite of feeling good, confidence, success, love, joy and the like…it’s


So, let’s turn around and get simple. Let’s relax for a moment, take a deep breath, allow our shoulders to fall, our hearts to rise. By simplifying any aspect of our lives, we make it better, smoother, more aligned. Simplifying can bring ease, relief, peace, and when done consistently even joy. All of a sudden the clouds can part, the veil can be lifted and we can get the energy to do, be, or have anything we want in this life. However, if we stay in stress, pain, worry, and anxiety, even what we already have that is good could be taken away from us. Why live that way?

Even reading this blog post can be done simply. Slow down for just a few moments, allow your self to ‘Be’….

From that place click this link  to hear my latest podcast on the subject….

Keep it Simple, Sweetheart.


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