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I am writing this post based on a conversation I had with one of my consultants this morning. In her genius she said something that I am very grateful for and I have said in one form or another 1000 times to clients:

“When you focus on what’s most important, all the other pieces will work themselves out.”

After we hung up I really took some time contemplate the intelligence of this statement, so I asked myself what is most important? In this case I realized it was an opportunity to honor my Self. What I really wanted to do, what I feel I was born to do, something that I know I can do and that feels AMAZING when I do it. Why was I holding back from that opportunity? What could be more important than lining up with what I wanted most, what I was most passionate about? Well, nothing. So, I have decided to commit to this outcome, to challenge myself to truly follow through like I never have before, to take the leap of faith and dammit, just Go for it! 🙂

Where can you honor your Self more by following through on what you really want?

By committing to what your highest passion is?

Can you honor yourself more by playing BIGGER and not sweating the small stuff?

If you honor your Self what can’t you do????!

It’s amazing how easy it can all be when relax, let go and trust.

Here’s to You Honoring Your Self,



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