We all want love. It’s just true. Some may not know it. Some may not believe they want it. But they do.
It’s what drives us. It’s what awakens us. It’s what gives deep soul satisfaction. What if we could generate it ourselves? And do this anytime we wanted, whenever we needed it?
What would that mean? Well, for one you would become more self reliant. I know I have. Of course, I want love from others, from my family, my close friends, my soul brothers and sisters but the truth is anyone can learn how to let go of ‘needing’ that love and simply enjoying it and appreciating it. However, it all starts with learning how to tap into the well within us to feel, focus and allow the live from within ourselves.
You can listen to this podcast as I go deeper and share a ‘Love Meditation’ that may be helpful to you.
Also, what would be infinitely more interesting I’m sure is joining me at my retreat this upcoming June, here’s the link for that info: Love Retreat