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“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

 – Winston Churchill

Success is a very subjective idea but we all know what we are talking about in the context of being an entrepreneur, right?

  • Happy

  • Money

  • Clients

  • Flexibility

  • Fun

  • Creativity

  • Personal Growth

Fill in your own ideas above if they are different but I would bet we are pretty close. The details are subjective but the end result is the same, freedom, feeling good, being happy, satisfied, inspired are all ideas we all want whether we know it or not. That leads us to the first step:

1. Know what you want and Intend to receive it. 

The only way to hit the target is to aim for it. The only way to truly experience what we desire is to know what it is. To be clear with ourselves, others and the Universe what it is we desire, expect, and wish for. Not only to be clear but follow up with intending to receive it. This creates confidence and a space for it to be fulfilled in your life. For example, I know I want to write a minimum of 10 books on Spirituality and Self Development. I intend to see that happen happily and smoothly in the next 8 years.

 2. Focus by Paying Attention

What we focus on, grows. What we look at gets bigger. What we think and feel about IS our life. Understanding this aspect of life is absolutely necessary to achieving true long lasting success. Using the power of our attention to focus on what we truly desire and intending to receive it is a power like no other.

 3. Remember Who You Really Are

Often our self picture is very faulty, we think of ourselves as ‘Matt O’Grady, Husband, Father, Business Owner” etc. No. That is not who I REALLY am. I am divine child. I am son of the Source. I am pure potential. I can be anything I want to be. I am who I can become. I am my thoughts, feelings and actions, which are ALL changeable. I Am. Who are you? I am sure you can identify your true self as much more than your societal and cultural labels. Right? I highly recommend reminding yourself who you really are and therefore able to reach any of your highest intentions, goals, experiences that you are aiming for.

 4. Just Do It

We do way too much thinking, talking, and not enough doing. As Goethe says:

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

By simply starting whatever it is we want to do, we are bring in the power of the Universe, the power of our Insides, our guts, our fortitude, our persistence, our focus, and of course our divinity. Instead of wishing things were different, simply press on. Rather than complaining, remember why you are doing something, or why you want it, and use that as inspiration to inform your next action.

 5. Write it Down

Writing down what we want has a certain power in it. The whole idea of taking whatever the ‘idea’ is and putting it down on paper is the first step to creating it. The first step to taking it from the realm of thought into the physical realm. It doesn’t matter if its on a cocktail napkin, on your computer, phone, written in crayons (I did that recently!) or while you are hanging upside down and so on. Just write it. That can be the impetus to creating your momentum, springing up new ideas, helping you see more possibilities, and allows you to share the idea in a concrete way with someone else.

Of course this a deep subject and we can only touch on it here in blog post format, however, if you were able to incorporate any or all of these 5 steps into something that you want to allow into your life, I think you will be that much closer to realizing it. Phil and I went much deeper into this subject on the Matt and Phil Show recently, give it a listen as your homework:

Here’s to Allowing Your Success,


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